The Army use social media such as Facebook and Twitter to keep their followers posted on the even that the organization is involved in. There's no real difference on what they post on Facebook verses what they post on twitter. In fact if you go to their page on both social media sites, you will notice that there will be the same post around the same time on both sites. I think they do that for the followers that don't follow them on one or the other site. Posting things like:
History about the Army |
Different things the Army is doing in the world. |
-Interesting things about the army's history
-Positive things the army is doing around the world
-Talks about the actions the army is taking in the world
-Different units and training the army is doing
-News that involves the army around the world.
-Steps the army is taking to move forward
-Operations overseas
-The advanced technology the army is using
Trying to reach the general public, the army keep its relationship with its social media audience by keep the pages active. Making sure they post interesting things, like pictures of different training's and soldiers in different parts of the world.
The second organization is Johnson Controls. Johnson Controls use social media similar to how the Army use their social media sites. They keep their followers posted on the things going on with the company.
Such as:
-History of the company
-Moves the company is making moving forward
-Product the company had/ also the product they are working on
-Thing the company is doing to give back to the community and the environment
-Employment opportunities
-What company is doing in different parts of the world
In conclusion, the two organizations use social media the same way. Keeping their audience attention by posting things about the organizations that they feel their audience would want to know.